Friday, February 5, 2010

OCS DNS and certificate Calculator

Have you ever wondered what is the DNS records that should be created for OCS on internal DNS servers and External DNS servers, to what they should point and what are their configuration.

Have you wondered how you can use a single certificate to support OCS deployment for CWA, FE,Edge and use single certificate.

you can use the attached excel sheet, the input is the follwowing:
- Internal DNS name.
- External DNS name.
- Servers names and External Host records for individual services like (the host records name that will be used for web conferencing..etc).

the output is in 2 sheets, 1 sheet incldues all of the external and internal DNS names, where they should be created and what is their configration.

the other is the list of the certificates, either they should be internal or external and what is their common name an SANs.

if you have any feedback please send it to


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