Wednesday, March 12, 2008

SCOM 2007: Error in ADMP

A customer has imported an ADMP, and soon after running it, he started to get the following error:

AD Replication Monitoring : encountered a runtime error. Failed to obtain the InfrastructureMaster using a well known GUID.

The error returned was: 'Failed to get the 'fSMORoleOwner' attribute from the object 'LDAP://SERVERNAME/'.

The error returned was: 'There is no such object on the server.' (0x80072030)' (0x80072030)


To solve this issue follow the below steps:

1. Run Adsiedit.msc
2. Connect to the DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=xxx,DC=xxx ,DC=xxx partition.
3. Open the properties for the Infrastructure object.
4. Look at the fSMORoleOwner attribute and it is set to CN=NTDSSettings\0ADEL:ed7c8fe9-c5cd-4101-bf57-7468c606a6be,CN=IOWADC4\0ADEL:ecaeecd1-dea1-44ac-9a3c-fb827fd6d085,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=xxx,
5. If this particular record is set to delete, then remove the above entry and then add the correct attribute for the current FSMO role holder.

Thanks to MCS SA for sharing this info that made my life easier.

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